‘The first man introduced himself, “Madam, I’m Adam.”’

– Author Unknown

Half full, or half empty.
W or M.
6 or 9.

Depending on where we stand per time, our perceptions of things, events, as humans, differ. In English Language, there are words which read and spell the same way but have entirely different meanings to different people. They are called homonyms.

In Yoruba Language, perhaps the most notorious word is ‘Ogun’.

Ogun: Inheritance

Ogun: State

Ogun: It’s long

Ogun: a deity

Ogun: Medicine

Ogun: Charms

Ogun: War

Ogun: You climbed (it)

Ogun: Stabbed it

Ogun: Blended it

Lawyers have their language too. It’s called Legalese – a combination of words, actions, processes, phrases which make little sense to laymen, yet accurate sense to the learned. Indeed, it is often said that two lawyers could be in the same room as a dozen others and converse openly without giving away the confidentiality of the subject of which they speak. And it does not have to be replete with Latin and out-of-this-world words which mean little.

We combined a number of them for your learning and amusement.

1. Motion

• Noun: the act of moving, or changing positions.
• Verb: to direct (or command) something (or someone).

• Court process. A device by which a matter is instituted, continued or discontinued. A medium for the hearing of a request in court.

2. Suit

• Noun: Set of outer clothing, of same fabric worn together.
• Verb: Convenient. Acceptable. Suitable. Appropriate.

• A matter in court; court proceeding.

3. Ruling/Rule

• Noun: A set of regulations or principles governing conduct; reign of a leader; official instructions about actions.
• Verb: To pronounce, dictate, decide; to draw; something current or prevalent.

• Preliminary decision of a court in an ongoing matter, regarding a point of law in an active case.

4. Admission

• Noun: Official acceptance into an educational facility; a process of allowed entrance into door or building for a period of time, etc.

• A statement acknowledging the truth of something.

5. Chambers

• Noun: Large, enclosed place, used for official functions, or in private residences, such as a bedroom, library, etc.

• A judge’s inner room, usually for hearing cases closed to the public; private office of a lawyer.

In some instances, as revealed above, the definitions assigned to ‘lawyer’ coincides with the more commonly associated usage of the word. Regardless, they almost always mean the assigned meaning(s) to the lawyer, sort of like a monopoly (that’s another homonym right there:)).